Our Process

At Peachwood, our team is with you through each step of our three-tiered process.

We start with a visionary, transformative design. Then, using unrivalled materials, technology, and expertise, we handcraft truly custom-made pieces. Finally, we install every passionately crafted product ourselves, guaranteeing a flawless fit.

Where beauty meets function

Inspired design
1. Design
1. Design
Distinctly crafted
2. Build
2. Build
Flawless fit
3. Install
3. Install

Artistry meets innovation

We blend the art of woodworking with the science of innovation. Through continuous investment in advanced construction techniques and materials, our passionate team thrives on pushing the boundaries of possibility in custom luxury interiors.

Experience unmatched craftsmanship.

From stunningly functional cabinetry to exquisite millwork, allow us to exceed your expectations.